Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Doral Runners Club

South Florida is known for all the great food. Actually some criticized that all we do is eat down here. That can be true. I mean, we celebrate everything by eating out -- birthdays, engagement, quinces...whatever. Even if we dont go out to restaurant nothing is better than BBQ by the pool. Of course all the eating leads to excess fat, which is not convenient in a place known for its beaches. The other day I was considering getting into shape but wasn't sure how and felt like I need encouragement. To some who may face this same issue there might be a solution: the Doral Runner's Club. These runners have united for the passion for the sport and to stay in shape. Together they encourage each other. They also do marathons and more. Doral Runners have recently merged with Miami Feet, which is of the biggest runner club in South Florida. You can visit their website for more info: http://www.miamifeet.org/

Running is good for you or just ask these runners. Not sure how the runners club works...check out the video.

1 comment:

JP said...

Hola "JAL"

No sabia de la existencia de este blog. Soy miembro de Doral Runners Club y el autor del video que usted a incluido en este blog. Agradezco que nos haya tomado en cuenta y que promueva una vida sana de todos quienes vivimos en esta zona de Miami.

Todos estan invitados a participar de este grupo de aficionados al deporte "basico" (correr), pues existen personas que estan en diferentes niveles, eso justamente hace que sea un grupo muy especial.

Nos reunimos todos los dias martes y jueves a partir de las 6H30 pm en el J.C. Bermudez Park.


Juan Pablo Carrasco