Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Pastor Connects with City of Doral

If there is someone that knows the families, the city commissioners and school administrators in the city of Doral, it's Igor Alonso.

But who is this guy that the city trusts with their events? Well, his blog title says it all: Community, Christ and Cafe con Leche.

Alonso is the campus pastor of Flamingo Road Church Doral. He has helped coordinate and volunteer at Doral's Relay for Life, 4th of July Celebration, Ronald Regan High School's Back-to-School Picnic and a church sponsored event called 'Trunk or Treat' for Halloween.

Last year, Alonso volunteered for the second time at the Doral Relay for Life, an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society to help raise money and awareness for cancer victims. At this event, he met city commissioners, school principals and many families that he kept in touch with. Later, for the 4th of July event, the City asked the church band to play. Then, the church volunteered at the Ronald Regan High School's Back-to-School Picnic. Last year, the church hosted 'Trunk or Treat' during Halloween, an event where different people and companies from the community decorated and filled their car trunks with candy. The idea is to provide a safe environment for families to enjoy food, music and free candy.

Next year, they're doing it all again.

"Connecting with the community is what church should be about," Alonso says.

Alonso's attitude is what motivated the City of Doral to name him the Entertainment Chair for the 2008 Doral Relay for Life. Alonso says that he makes it a priority to build bridges in the community by serving the community. But most importantly, Alonso understands that community starts in the home.

Besides being a pastor, Alonso makes time for his wife; Grecy, his four children; Igor Jr. Jonathan, Ashley, and Jacob. He's also a grandfather of two with another on the way. Their two pugs, Preito and Molly, complete their family. Alonso, who's of Cuban descent, also spends time playing the drums and listening to salsa music which his wife makes him dance to.

Alonso's faith keeps him involved with the community, citing it as his motivation.

"Jesus made it a priority to engage in the community with all kinds of people from different lifestyles."

For more information on Igor Alonso and Flamingo Road Church, click on these links:



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