Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Venezuelans choose Doral as their new home

By Ana Sanchez

Daniela Mavares had everything she wanted in Venezuela. Her family was financially prosperous; she had lots of friends and a school she loved. It wasn’t until President Hugo Chavez came in to the picture that her world began to change.

“My father was fired from the PDVSA, a Venezuelan oil company, simply because he did not support Chavez or his ideologies,” said Mavares.

So, Mavares’ family did what many Venezuelans do – packed their bags and headed to Doral, Fla.

According to the 2000 census, Doral’s population is made up of 67.44 percent Hispanic, of which Venezuelans make up the second largest group with 12.2 percent.

Although Venezuelans leave their country for political reasons, one of the reasons they pick to live in Doral is because of the booming business opportunities that a new city tends to offer.

“It was easy to start a business however, as the city grows it will become more difficult because it will be more competitive,” said Taimy Jimenez, who works at La Reina de las Empanadas cafeteria. “At the same time, the growth benefits businesses because the more people there are, the more clientele,” Jimenez adds.

Another reason Venezuelans pick Doral is that they find things that remind them of their country. For example, a taste of Venezuelan culture makes Taina Tapanes, who works in public relations for the city, feel at home in Doral.

“Venezuelan food is available everywhere, I can find everything I need within four corners, just like in Venezuela,” said Tapanes, who says she talks to everyone wherever she goes. “Eventually, I found people that I studied with, who I had not seen in years.”

A typical Venezuelan dish is the arepa. It is made with corn dough, flattened, grilled or fried and usually served with cheese. Many Doral eateries serve arepas, such as El Arepaso on 58 St and 92 ave.

“When we moved to the U.S. we mixed our two cultures together by putting peanut butter and jelly on arepas,” said Ian Achong.

Some Venezuelans have started their lives over in Doral and are satisfied with their new lifestyle.

“We feel very comfortable here, I guess that’s why they call it Doralzuela,” said Mavares.

Throughout the holidays, rhythmic drumbeats fill Venezuelan homes with gaitas; ethnic Venezuelan music. This music originated from the Zulia region in Venezuela. Other instruments used are maracas and charrassca; a steel tubed instrument played with two metallic strikers.

“In Venezuela, you hardly hear anything but gaitas during the holiday season, we even have gaitas dance competitions in high school,” said Mariana Guererro.

In order to keep customs alive, Venezuelans bring their music and dance to South Florida.

“A group of Venezuelan students from my high school thought that just because we are here doesn’t mean we shouldn’t follow tradition, so we did a gaitas performance for our school, and then for a holiday event in the town center,” Guerrero said.

Although Venezuelans have brought many familiar things to Doral, others still remember their country with nostalgia and would return if the political situation changes.

“If Chavez weren’t in Venezuela I would go back, everyone I talk to says the same thing whether they have money or not,” Tapanes said.

According to Homeland Security analysis, 11,758 Venezuelans became residents of the U.S in 2006. However, those numbers can be misleading because 393,584 Venezuelans were given business and tourism visas and it is unknown how many of these Venezuelans stayed.

While President Chavez is still in office, more Venezuelans hope to leave the country but it isn’t as simple as it once was.

“In reality, everyone wants to come over here but Venezuelans aren’t getting visas like they used to, not even for tourists, the situation has gotten more complicated over time,” said Mavares.

The number of Venezuelans given permanent residence in the U.S. is much larger between 2004 and 2005 with an increase of 4,535 than between 2005 and 2006 with only an increase of 888, according to Homeland Security analysis.

Vanessa Santodomingo, agrees with Mavares but thinks that U.S. immigration laws might benefit Venezuelans in the future.

“If Venezuela becomes another Cuba, the U.S. might be more lenient with the immigration status of Venezuelans,” Santodomingo said.

Some of the challenges Venezuelans face in trying to leave the country is selling their properties and businesses.

“No one wants to invest in Venezuelan right now, much less buy property – not only is it difficult to sell but also to make money off the sale,” Santodomingo added.

While President Chavez tightens control of the country’s economy, media and resources, Venezuelans will be faced to make a decision; whether or not to move out of the country. That might mean bringing their businesses over to the U.S. or to start from zero. The immigration process might be rigorous but it’s an option many Venezuelans will have to consider.

Whatever the political situation in Venezuela is, Doral will continue to be a refuge for Venezuelans who will bring their food, traditions, and businesses with them.

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1 comment:

gaurav said...

Throughout the holidays, rhythmic drumbeats fill Venezuelan homes with gaitas; ethnic Venezuelan music. This music originated from the Zulia region in Venezuela. Other instruments used are maracas and charrassca; a steel tubed instrument played with two metallic strikers.
doral properties